Friday, April 9, 2010

"Isn't That Beautiful?"

"I think people underestimate the power of honesty and the beauty of testimony. For part of our journey's beauty can be attributed to it's ugly moments, our ability to rise from the bottom. We're not always on the top. But we rise. Isn't that beautiful? And such beauty couldn't manifest without, at some point, being at our lowest. So share the story honestly--it's glorious or will be."

Many people put on the facade that they have it all together--lying about who, and what, and where they are.  All the while they fail to realize that this moment, this current (or past) position and condition has great benefit to their life story. With that said, instead of having... shame and lying about it, use your position and condition as motivation to change, to RISE. And then who you USED to be wouldn't be in vain and will be a GREAT part of your testimony--and testament of the greatness of grace, mercy, and will power!!!


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