Sunday, June 5, 2011

Here today. Gone tomorrow.

In a time when it's common practice to "Unfollow", "Remove", "Ignore", "Delete", "Block" people as easily as it is to "Follow" or "Add" them, I'd like to encourage you to be grateful for those that love you, therefore keep you even when they know your worst & when you're at your worst (& definitely can't give them anything--other than your imperfect self).

...I've been told (actions speak, too) that I'm not worthy, that I'm not of value, that I'm not meaningful, that I'm not significant, that I'm not special... that I'm not loved, let alone liked. I am guilty of being convinced that I am "not"--I mean, I must not be since someone who could know me since conception can dispose of me, be as inconsiderate of my feelings, be as emotionally cold towards me as someone who has known me all of 2 months. Sad thing is, most of these people will never know how influential their actions (or lack thereof) were because hey, they're here today, gone tomorrow.

I want to thank God for a love that is forgiving, a love that is truly unconditional, for a love that seems to get better with time. A love that brings me to tears because it just keeps surprising me. Pleasantly! A love that is abundant, even when not appreciated (or truly comprehended). And for family & friends who know of such a love & therefore know how to love me in that likeness. My list of such people who give me such a love is not lengthy (and may never be), yet it's sufficient. I'm blessed to have them. And I am expectant of the list growing!

I pray that when we feel unloved, when it seems we're invisible that we remember such a love, for God loves us, sees us. He feels our every ache & yearning, He knows our desires, thoughts, strengths, weaknesses. There is no place more comforting, more safe; He's a [my] refuge. His love is better than fill in the blank.


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