Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bliss Like This

Sometimes I imagine sex
I imagine making love
and it's like I can feel it,
I can feel someone on me,
someone behind me,
someone touching me.
And it feels so good.
And as I imagine, I hope that when I do
make love it could at least feel like
this, like bliss.
Like I want to come out of my skin
and stay in it.
Like I want to escape my skin because
I don't deserve such bliss but
I want to stay in my skin because
no one but me deserves this.


Unknown said...

Oh my!!! I thoroughly enjoyed this peace!!!! It could flow juuuuuust a little bit better, but then again I prefer spoken word to gather the author's emotions.

Awesome peace(piece)

miss royal said...

Thanks for the compliment on the post. I wouldn't call it poetry, which is why I refer to it as "expressions".. *smile* I'm no poet. I'm just expressive.

RebeccaK. said...

I love your openness!...and your Wonderful "expression". Peace.

miss royal said...

Thanks, RebeccaK! I appreciate your appreciation.

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