Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The It

I wish I had the It

I wish I had the It that made you draw to me as I do you

I wish I had the It

The It that allowed me to cross your mind as you do mine

I wish I had the It

The It that you want in a woman

The It you want in a friend

The It you desire to have in a companion

I wish I had the It because you have It for me

I try to find out what It is but I can't

I find that when I think I've figured It out

It isn't It because I know other men with It
and they do nothing for me

They don't ignite me like you

Oh, how I wish I knew what It is
so that I can forget It
so that I can forget you because
our feelings aren't mutual
you don't feel the same as I do

Oh, how I wish I'd never approached you
because it's suicide to feel this way about
you when someone else may have It
When I may never have you, who has It
because someone's already has
It; you, and possesses the It that (does it for you)
satisfies you.

I wish I had It

I wish I had the It

I wish I had the It


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