Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thank God for Slave Masters!


because I don't watch much television and fail to keep up with the dialogue of the likes of Soulja Boy, I may be bringing up a question that has already been addressed. In the past two days I have been made aware that African Americans should be thankful for slavery because it is due to it that we are free from the horrors of Africa. 


I want to publicly apologize for being a black woman who was not aware of the gratitude she should have for her lineage's oppressors. I am SO sorry. ...*smirk*YEAH RIGHT!!!


I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason and that indeed that reason is for our better good, however I would NOT go as far to say that slavery was a blessing and that I should thank slave master Truss (most likely from Alabama) for enslaving my family.

Am I just an ignorant, "black pride" ranting woman who need to get over slavery? (I HOPE you hear my sarcasm) ...Or am I in my right mind and realize that we are not too far removed from slavery and that it in/directly effects us today?

Please respond and enlighten this young woman (Me). 
(I usually don't tag people to notes because I don't write notes necessarily for a response. I would LOVE responses to this note, though. If you don't want to respond, pass it along to someone you think would.)

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"Shout-out to the slave masters! Without them we'd still be in Africa. We wouldn't be here to get this ice and tattoos." 
-- Soulja Boy, during an interview with BET correspondent Toure. The rapper later claimed he was only joking.

 Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson (He's a reverend. That's scary.)


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